Past life regression therapy is a valuable way to gain understanding that is relevant
and beneficial for this life!
​​​ Past Life Healing is not governed by the practitioner but the clients higher self.
Some clients come with the expectation of seeing a Past Life,
but it will only be unveiled if it is aligned with the clients highest good.
When endeavouring to recall a past life it is often helpful to have a particular issue
or question about an certain area of one's life you'd like clarity.
In a Past Life Healing I gradually lead the client into their heart space to access previous lives through the vehicle of Reiki and Meditative Journeying.
Past Life Healing can access in-depth layers and learning's,
therefore it is not something to take lightly or to play games with.
Past Life Regression is a valuable tool to know self.
My objectives to hold space and facilitate an opportunity for you to access a past life
and or simply receive a healing.