The foundation of my work is to share love and build upon the natural and instinctive awareness you naturally have within - through the vehicle of Reiki, Counselling and Meditation.
My aim is to lovingly encourage and nurture you to follow your heart. To be calm in the knowledge that you are always loved and supported. I believe to express love to ourselves and others is but the greatest gift and our ultimate life purpose.
As long as I remember, I have always enjoyed sharing and connecting with people on a heart level, and listening to their stories, which lead me to study counselling and researching many forms of healing. I have worked professionally in the industry for approximately 20 years. I was drawn to the healing modality Reiki and its teachings initially for my own self learning.
I have found Reiki to be very powerful and insightful, so much so that I want to share it with others. Through the pathways of Counselling, Reiki and Meditation, I found a practice that has helped me to love me more. These practices enrich and re-align me to my core when my mind and heart are at war. Reiki opened my heart to self-love and strengthen my confidence. Reiki and Meditation have been a source of comfort and support for myself through life’s shifts and changes. I have taught many new comers and others that have wanted to revisit the traditional teachings of Reiki.
I founded the Soul Map Mastery Teachings, which is a spiritual development course that contains three levels of learning from the beginner to the advanced student. The Soul Map Mastery courses include ones unique soul map chart and varying metaphysical, spiritual teachings and meditative journeying. In addition the universal teachings of the sacred language of light symbols are incorporated into the Soul Map Mastery teachings.
I come from a family of five brothers so sitting whether it be among men or women feels comfortable to me. To put it simply, I love what I do, through whatever technique or instrument it be i.e. Reiki, Counselling, Meditation, Distant Healing, Theta Healing, Soul Map Mastery and weekly classes or workshops. I do not hold the answers for my clients, but I listen, care and give support when asked. To see my clients or students walking through life with a sense of self-worth and openness to life’s gifts is truly rewarding. As a therapist my role is to bring clarity to were confusion or imbalance may be, by the instrument of self-exploration and love.
I am fortunate to have been gifted two beautiful daughters and a husband that encourages me to be who I am. I have experienced times of darkness and times of light, to sit within one’s self and feel, can be scary but also equally powerful and life changing.
To share and connect with another on a heart level is both humbling and profoundly healing.
​I am the former president of the Reiki Association of Australia Inc. I embodied this role for 14 years as a volunteer and until recently decided to resign from my role so as I could focus more on my passion of giving and receiving reiki and offering counselling to others. The role of president taught me how better to connect and liaise with other healthcare practitioners and to develop skills in running a national association. I was also given the opportunity to provide feedback at healthcare forums to the Health Department and to ultimately interpret legislation for reiki members.
Cherish this time... space... moment
‘The essence of life is love’
I have come to the earth to bring the remembrance of love, be it to one or many …
I believe our soul’s purpose is to express love,
be it through our words, thoughts,
feelings or actions.
I endeavour to live simplistically...
Complications and struggle exist only
in the illusion of the mind.
I honestly believe that our lives are gifted to us, so we can experience both pleasure and delight.
May we embrace the world
and allow the world to embrace us.
May we walk together as one.
May we live complimentary to one another.
May we be friends of the earth.
May we see the beauty of this place called Earth.
May we find comfort in our friends and families.
May we allow love in to all areas of our lives.
Let us not wait for next week
to be deserving or worthy.
Let you and I commit to living in love, now.
​​ Training & Qualifications:
Diploma of Holistic Counselling
Reiki Practitioner / Master / Teacher
Theta Practitioner
Meditation Facilitator
Soul Map Mastery Founder I, II, III
Wellness Program Facilitator
First Aid Training
Bush Flower Essence Practitioner
Certified Angel Intuitive Practitioner
Emotional Focusing Technique Practitioner
Magnified Healing Practitioner - Kuan Yin Modality
Former President of The Reiki Association of Australia Inc.
Working with Adults Police Check
Working with Children
Certificate IV Workplace Training & Assessment
​Accredited Teacher of The Reiki Association of Australia Inc.
Accredited by the Australian Holistic Healers & Counsellors Association http://www.ahhca.org/index.php
Member of ARC - Australian Reiki Connection Inc. The Association of Australian Reiki Professionals